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Ala de un pájaro: animal vertebrado de sangre caliente que tiene dos alas, dos patas, un pico cuerno y cuyo el cuerpo está recubierto de plumas. Ver más

Ala de un pájaro - El Diccionario Visual ...

Aile d'oiseau: animal vertébré à sang chaud pourvu de deux ailes, de deux pattes, d'un bec corné et dont le corps est recouvert de plumes. Voir plus

Aile d'oiseau - Dictionnaire Visuel - Copyright &cop ...

Bird: a warm-blood animal with two wings, two feet, a horny beak and a body covered with feathers. See more

Bird - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Wing of a bird: a warm-blooded animal with two wings, two feet, a horny beak and a body covered with feathers. See more

Wing of a bird - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights rese ...